If you ever attend the presentation network-marketing business at the time of the network-marketing business began operating in Indonesia more than 10 years ago, you'll see a lot of mothers who attend the household. Now, network-marketing business has digeluti by people from many backgrounds and different, but the most rapidly growing network marketing is the new from the executive and the professional.
The development of network-marketing industry during the last decade has successfully attracted many people to participate. Currently, we already see a lot of professionals who run and develop a network-marketing business of their own.
Now, if you attend the presentation network-marketing business, already is commonplace to see doctors, bankers, lawyers, sinetron stars, celebrities who participated in the presentation business.
Increasing the participation of executives and professionals who contribute to the development of high-network-marketing industry. By joining, among professionals bring technical expertise, social recognition and also the credibility of the network-marketing industry. This is the professional people who have a relatively well-established career and a relatively high income.
If so, why the executive and professionals interested in this menggeluti network-marketing business?
Professionals interested in business menggeluti network-marketing business as it offers the potential for financial freedom (financial freedom) and freedom to manage their own lives without having to depend on other people.
The professionals are the candidates for the ideal menggeluti network-marketing business. Why?
Let's analysis of the life of a doctor. A doctor working 10 s / d 12 hours a day, and sometimes have 24-hour standby. Indeed can not be debated that a doctor earning relatively high. If a doctor to obtain income Rp.300 million per year, earnings are still earn only a linear (linear income). A doctor receives income if they work / practice, if they do not work / practice, income will not come by itself.
Although a doctor to obtain a relatively high income, he also wanted more time to his family, to develop hobbynya or to enjoy a holiday with his family. Network-marketing business allows a doctor to achieve what is not offered by the linear him.
The executive (such as bankers) also want the same thing. Monetary Crisis result, many bankers who had obtained hundreds of millions of income per year until the PHK should explore other sources of income and higher income can provide a more assured.
For the executive who is not affected by PHK caused the monetary crisis, they may have to work 2 times harder to obtain without a salary increase. Therefore, they also began to consider other alternatives to obtain a high income. Again, the network-marketing business is the solution they need.
Network-marketing is the only business that is low risk, but potentially extraordinary results that high. This is of course interesting for professionals who mempeoleh despite a high income, but must give up the time that should be in-alokasikan for the family and the beloved.
I am sure, with the passing of time, will be many more executives and professionals who will also join with us and develop a network-marketing industry is.
If you are a professional who is considering to menggeluti network marketing business, I'm happy with will work with you to achieve financial independence that you impikan
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