The definition of residual income is earned income and still persists despite early efforts to obtain income has been done. Lawan said residual income is linear income. Is a linear income is income that is straight with the business rateable issued to obtain income.
Some examples of linear income is wages from work, and wage labor. Employees are paid based on the attendance office, while the laborers are paid based on the amount of production. For example, a worker in the shoe factory are paid based on how many pairs of (unit) shoes that work is produced by labor.
Some examples of residual income is the cost of renting an apartment, or royalty from the sale of the book / album / film. The cost to rent an apartment even though the business is apartment building has been done, and the apartment owner to obtain the tenant's monthly rent apartments. Royalty from the sale of the book / album / film still obtained by the author / artist / actor even though the production process has been done.
Many people working in the network marketing business in hopes to obtain financial freedom through residual income earnings. Residual income from Network Marketing business from which we remove to guide people in the organization in network marketing so that we can be independent and successful.
Hard work that you do as a network marketer will give the results of a residual income / royalty derived from the productivity of the people in your organization that you have bimbing be successful. Indeed, the results will not be directly visible in the near future. Required patience and hard work to build a network marketing organization is strong and can provide a great residual income. Most people do not have the vision to build a network marketing organization is strong and expect a large income in a short time. This is what I call "mentality Want Rich Quick."
If you look forward to rich quickly through network marketing, keep dreaming. However, if you want to get residual income through long-term business that can start with small capital and hard work, the network marketing can help you to achieve the ideals of your financial freedom.
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