On when there is a man who is climbing the mountain snow. Sudden snow storm that came immediately remove the impression that the road akan ditempuhnya. Aware of the condition of the poor, men have tried to find that protection is not dead frozen. However, efforts futile and feet are numb start. In perjalannya he tripped by another body of men who lie dead near freezing. That men must take a decision quickly, whether it will proceed and leave him or he will help the person who is sprawl?
Finally he decided to help these lekaki. He knees, let slip the wet hands and feet start memijit people that lie. Slowly they start sadarkan themselves. Then they both continue their journey to get help.
Later the man was told because of the new, that with the help of foreigners thus save their own soul. Massaging activities with the hands and feet that person, the blood circulation more smoothly so that your own hands and feet became warm themselves. And hands and feet that can eventually recover frozen.
The story above also apply to the business network. If you want to succeed, help your business partners so that they whole-heartedly to be independent. And in the end will be the goose laying golden for you.
This analogy seems easy to understand but difficult to do because so many beginners who want quick success tempted. They look for partners as much as possible beginning. They forget the need to duplicate the process of guiding and, after some time and then realize that the network has not developed because of the dead seeds that have never joined treated.
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