Often we have seen colleagues who can grow large in an Network Marketing, while the other failed at Network Marketing the same (or other). Why? There are some point I wanted to share: To be successful and achieve success, you need a certain personality to achieve. Without this personality, impossible to be successful.
Learning process in Network Marketing, including "the development of personality", that gives you the personality needed to succeed. Why is a distributor of the background is just a normal-normal, even from the middle to bottom, can work quickly, while other distributors need much longer time, or even distributors who have failed?
The answer is simple: the rapid distribution of course work more quickly establish their own virginity in accordance with the requirements needed to succeed. The slower success (achievement of a certain rank and income) to the establishment in this period is longer. Distributors who fail to learn is not at all. But one thing is for sure: there is not a passive distributor can work in a short time. That's why the training program to become the life of an Network Marketing. Without a support system, an impossible Network Marketing can long endure. And I never believe in the only distributor that would work without learning, but have a high rank and income.
There have been a distributor fail in Network Marketing. At the same time I rectify the term "failed" which I use above. I deliberately put these terms to equivalent terms between me and you, and I Align here. Not have a distributor fail. That there is a distributor to stop before reaching success. Often the distributor to stop (and he failed to confess) is after: to reach a certain rank (usually not too high, but the ratings have gone up), reaching levels of sales or income, or lazy (usually affected environment).
During a distributor would continue to fight, build a network that fall is normal, and he always have the opportunity to succeed. Depending on when he successfully established in accordance with the personality that is required.
Failure of distributors active level (again I repeat: active distributor, not a distributor join a) very very very low compared with any other field in the world. Once again, words have never failed. When you continue to fight certainly a success.
Active distributor who "fail" is actually just before the surrender, and victory is often already in the front of the eye, but he was not aware. I give some examples of statistics without a number of (not because I calculated).
One, Most (the majority) just want to join without menekuni business
They were divided into 2 categories, namely that never tried the product or even participate in training and who have tried to offer without the procedure, and then declined up.
Two, Many run small businesses, although only some time
* There are not many (even naught) in the training / seminar. Edges certainly good-bye.
* There was a run, but does not believe that Network Marketing is a business. Network Marketing business is left for fear of the job as employees even though the bonus received is greater than gajinya.
* There is no feeling that this is the business itself, not its business upline. They come out after a quarrel with the familiar or usually upline (the doghouse upline) is the responsibility cast on the network itself to his upline. Remember: shop suppliers may hate it, but the business continues the way!
* It offers the opportunity to some people (less than 10 people), lots of mess (even all), that directly assess the Network Marketing business is ugly.
* Some other works have millions of rupiah in income per month, above the average salary of employees. Even many who count in tens and even hundreds of millions per month.
We compare the data with the world's most common, the employee data:
1. Only 1 person manager who led a group of employees. Before the manager is out, the sack or die, subordinates can not replace it. This is the pyramid system that the company received all the people. (Network Marketing pyramid that were not even considered pyramid. You can increase the ranking of rival or even exceed your upline.)
2. Over 90% of employees did not feel the move up. More than 80% active distributor (above 2 years) in the Network Marketing has increased ratings.
3. That move up, more than 95% did not feel the directorship.
4. Over 95% of employees did not feel the above Rp.10 million per month. In Network Marketing, this figure more than 25% in the top of the distributor 5 years.
5. A company can have tens of thousands of employees, but only 1 person can have a CEO (Chief Executive Officer). In Network Marketing, the number of equivalent rank Diamond Director (or similar term) can be infinite in number.
6. A CEO-skelter terpontang work to meet the burden of working outside the usual, can not feel comfortable living with the family (full time for the company). Diamond Director a quiet life with my family without the burden, still received the income even though many do not work.
When compared with the conventional business world:
1. Legal Marketing: there are only 3 top brands that people continue to remember. Example: IM for the noodles, which is usually remembered Supermie, Indomie and Sarimi. For mobile phones: Nokia, Ericsson, Motorola. Softdrink cola: Coca-cola, Pepsi Cola, RC Cola. In Network Marketing, as long as you're active, your name will continue to remember your colleagues (even though crossline). Diamond qualified to rank up even almost never forgotten.
2. More than 90% shops never developed. In Network Marketing, at least 50% of active distributors have reached the rank equivalent to or more after the Manager at least 3 years.
We can see that the Network Marketing business are still easier to run when the system is given, and never doubting the potential Network Marketing business.
See you at the top!
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