Network Marketing industry is an industry that is colored by a lot of polemic and debate. Many of the PRO, but not also a little counter. As a professional who is also menggeluti business network marketing, I'd like to take this opportunity to explain why the network marketing industry will continue to grow in the future.
One of the most consistent in this world is change (change). And it is something that is commonplace when people tend antipati against a change, especially a change that is quite revolutionary. As humans, we always try to reject the change. Human desire to reject the changes and maintain the status-quo is fair and humane.
However, there are some changes that we can not as strong as any opponent we try melawannya. This indicates that the change has achieved momentum and successfully become a commonplace and replace old habits.
Throughout history, humans have tried to fight the changes that have occurred time. This occurs in almost all areas, from the fields of arts, science, treatment, and in the business world.
New ideas and revolutionary, and likely to be gazed declined in the first place. Often, the more drastic ideas, and efforts to a new rejection of the idea are also becoming increasingly hard.
Many ideas that dramatically initially rejected but ultimately accepted into something normal and ordinary. Copernicus dipenjara said that because the Earth spheroid shape, when Colombus sailed dicemooh explore new continents, also ditertawai Louis Pasteur, Edison and Einstein also dicomooh due to their ideas are revolutionary.
Network marketing industry is also one of the ideas that have reached the moment and will continue to grow. Although there are many people who opposed and can not accept, the network marketing industry will continue to grow through the network marketing, the distribution of the most economical and efficient can be achieved.
In the early 19th century, America's economy has developed so that the distribution channels for products needs of human life must also be developed. At that time, the United States argued that the distribution channels through which both are shops and small shop-keeper who is owned by husband and wife. Therefore, the birth bakery, butcher shop, shop tools, ironmongery and also other stores that sell certain products specifically.
Then, a named W.T. Grant argues that, would that if the shops that sell products in different can be combined in one location. Thus, consumers will have many options and activities will also be shopping dipermudah because consumers no longer need to visit shops that far apart each other to do their shopping activities.
Merging shops in different locations in the birth of a Department Store. Department Store concept is so successful and resulted in shops and shop-keeper conventional roll mats. However, owners of conventional stores do not stay silent. They are lobbying the government to end department store declared unlawful and illegal. Just imagine, as the department store business, which declared illegal. If it does not make sense not?
However, an idea that already have momentum will not be able dibendung. After a struggle that is quite heavy, department store owned by Grant back end allowed to operate and does not violate the law declared by the government again.
Deparment store concept eventually be developed further to the concept of birth Shopping Mall.
Currently, the concept of a shopping mall itself is a concept that is almost somber. Although many shopping malls that mushroom, omzet sales at mall-mall is declining slowly, the mall manager and it is difficult to attract visitors to the shop. People still visit the mall, but a little more shopping. Franchising (franchise) is also a concept that the distribution be gazed at the early stages. The concept of franchising itself was created about 35 years ago. At the initial stage of its development, the concept of franchising also be gazed timeless because they are fraudulent. Even the few who does not consider the concept of franchising (franchise) is a concept that illegal.
However, an idea that has reached its momentum will not be able dibendung. Currently, the distribution network franchise (franchises) sebeasar contribute 34% of every sale of products and services in the United States.
Is there any concept that has reached the distribution of momentum and not terbendung more of its development? Of course there is. The concept is Network Marketing.
Currently, the concept of network marketing also be ridiculed, criticized, and dicemooh be gazed at by many people and many parties. This is exactly as happened at the beginning of the concept of department stores, shopping malls, and franchising was introduced. However, the network marketing industry has also been reached and the momentum will not be able dibendung. See the development of Amway, the network marketing industry pioneer in the world, and the CNI, a national marketing network company in Indonesia.
Amway has been delivered miliarder-miliarder new in the world, and also many distributors CNI-distributor who has to improve its standard of living and become a millionaire with the network-marketing business they own.
I am sure, the concept of network marketing success akan beyond department stores, shopping malls, and also the concept of franchising (franchises). Most likely, the marketing network will be able to change the way we conduct sale and purchase of products and services are revolutionary.
Why am I so sure? See around you, everything is in progress even in the environment around you.
My question: "are you ready for join?"
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